Kombination von Ciclosporin mit Mtx bei früher rheumatoider Arthritis
Hier finden Sie Literaturangaben zu wissenschaftlichen Studien zur Kombination von Ciclosporin mit Mtx bei früher rheumatoider Arthritis
Analysis of improvements, full responses, remission and toxicity in rheumatoid patients treated with step-up combination therapy (methotrexate, cyclosporin A, sulphasalazine) or monotherapy for three years.
Ferraccioli GF, Gremese E, Tomietto P, Favret G, Damato R, Di Poi E.
Division of Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, DPMSC, University of Udine, 33100 Udine, Italy.
Rheumatology (Oxford). 2002 Aug;41(8):892-8.
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Treatment of poor-prognosis early rheumatoid arthritis. A randomized study of treatment with methotrexate, cyclosporin A, and intraarticular corticosteroids compared with sulfasalazine alone.
Proudman SM, Conaghan PG, Richardson C, Griffiths B, Green MJ, McGonagle D, Wakefield RJ, Reece RJ, Miles S, Adebajo A, Gough A, Helliwell P, Martin M, Huston G, Pease C, Veale DJ, Isaacs J, van der Heijde DM, Emery P.
University of Leeds, UK.
Arthritis Rheum. 2000 Aug;43(8):1809-19
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Step-down approach using either cyclosporin A or methotrexate as maintenance therapy in early rheumatoid arthritis.
Marchesoni A, Battafarano N, Arreghini M, Pellerito R, Cagnoli M, Prudente P, Cerase A, Priolo F, Tosi S.
G. Pini Orthopaedic Institute, Milan, Italy. marchesoni(at)g-pnin.unimi.it
Arthritis Rheum. 2002 Feb;47(1):59-66.
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Cyclosporin A monotherapy versus cyclosporin A and methotrexate combination therapy in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis: a double blind randomised placebo controlled trial.
Gerards AH, Landewe RB, Prins AP, Bruyn GA, Goei The HS, Laan RF, Dijkmans BA.
VU Medical Centre and Jan van Breemen Instituut, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. agerards(at)SSVZ.nl
Ann Rheum Dis. 2003 Apr;62(4):291-6.
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